A burglar who wants to enter a building, however well guarded it may be, will always end up achieving his ends: No bastion is impregnable and all these lines of defense that were said during the previous world war , impregnable, have shown their limits. Why should it be any different when it comes to the fortified digital systems that cyber attackers seek to penetrate? Therefore, rather than seeking to further fortify what will always end up not being able to resist the enemy, why not change approach and concentrate on what can and must be protected within the enclosure, inside the systems? During an attack, the attacker is always one step ahead. So, if you search for all the internet addresses that have been used by attackers, they can always come back with other addresses and when they have succeeded in penetrating the stronghold, it will be too late to ban this address which has become obsolete. Don't they say that during a ZERO DAY attack it takes 275 days to create a patc...